The Ayur Living

my holistic living journey

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things i do that you can too

small additions and subtractions

For me, living holistically started with small additions and subtractions.

Through trial and error, I have come to find that Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of healing works for me. It aims to be gentle with your mind and body.

I have come to believe that changes in your body should never be drastic. These changes can be as simple and basic as drinking a warm glass of water each morning.

Or they could be slightly more significant like making changes to your environment.

We consume our surroundings unknowingly and unconsciously, with five senses, one of them being the sense of smell.

Essential oils play a great role in Ayurveda. Through this sense of smell, the use of essential oils can drastically alter your mood and relieve stress.

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eating right can change your life

changing yourself from inside out

Have you ever felt a surge of happiness after you ate something that was truly good for your body?

That calmness you feel after drinking tulsi-rose tea isn’t imaginary. Tulsi, a herb, also known as the plant of god, is an adaptogen and helps alleviate stress.

If drinking a cup of tea can alter your mood, imagine what it can do to make bigger changes to your food and overall living.

In my experience, it changes everything from your moods, energy levels, sleep patterns and even gut health.

According to Ayurveda, majority of our illness arise from the gut and there are herbs in Ayurvedic medicine that can clean your body from inside out.

Check out my list of selected herbs and foods that can make a huge difference to how you feel.

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