The Ayur Living

Combining Healing and Ayurveda

This website is dedicated to healing and I use Ayurveda as an instrument—just one of the many.

Ayurveda is an ancient system of healing which isn't limited to curing diseases, but focused on living to keep you disease-free.

But don't let this intimidate you, Ayurveda does not complicate things, if anything, it makes things simpler.

One goes back to eating well, being mindful, which results in being responsive to your body.

On this blog I want to share my personal journey of embracing Ayurveda and tuning into what my body has to say.

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my story: eating, breathing and everything in between

I do not have a degree in Ayurveda but I have a story that I hope you will feel inspired by.

A not-so-serious bout of rosacea and a three-month long inconclusive, slow healing from with an antibiotic ointment prescription made me turn toward holistic living.

It was clear there were things I was consuming that my body did not agree with. Rosacea was just a symptom of something bigger—I had been ignoring the signs my body was giving me and it was screaming loud and clear.

After I made some changes, not only did I see a significant improvement in my rosacea, my overall quality of life changed. It was important for me to share this journey and continue living holistically while building a community of like-minded people.



quick confessions:

essential oils I swear by


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